At IBCTX, Every Bridge presents an Opportunity
In bridge construction and rehabilitation, experience is everything
Bridges and Box Culverts have been built and traveled over for so long that we often take them for granted as we seek out our next destination. There is no denying they are a key element in our transportation infrastructure — connecting people, businesses, and entire economies while providing safe passage over any obstacle. With that comes a duty to maintain and enhance existing structures, construct new ones, and keep a purposeful eye on the future of our infrastructure.
IBCTX, LLC in Lake Dallas, TX has a rich family history in concrete structures spanning more than 70 years. Our emphasis is on bridge construction and bridge rehabilitation, in the Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana markets.
Bridge Construction
Bridge Rehabilitation
ABC Bridge Construction
Epoxy Overlays
Carbon Fiber Wrap
Bridge Re-Decking
Concrete Repairs (Vertical & O/H)
Emergency Bridge Repair
Portable Concrete Traffic Barriers
Bridge Rail Retrofit
CIP Retaining Walls
CIP Box Culverts
CIP Box Culverts Extensions
MSE Retaining Walls
MSE (Wire) Wall
Full Depth Concrete Repairs
Structural Concrete
Pile Driving
Railroad Work
Sheet Piling
Bridge Joint Repairs
Demolition Services
Epoxy Injection
We deliver cost-effective, on-time construction and rehabilitation services. Our relationships in transportation infrastructure include multiple DOT’s, the Corps of Engineers, Railroads, municipalities, county engineers, commercial builders, paving contractors, and private development companies.
More than a Bridge-Building Company

Our in-house talent offers a variety of pivotal services to the heavy construction industry that other companies can’t or won’t handle.
A Family Name You Can Trust

IBCTX, LLC is a new name for an old Company, as the Hanson family has been in the Heavy Highway construction industry since 1946.
Building Better Careers and a Brighter Future

Our reputation as a go-to resource for all things bridge rehabilitation and bridge construction related wouldn’t be what it is today without a team of quality personnel leading the charge. IBCTX, LLC is looking for knowledgeable and hard-working professionals to join our team.